Best Areas to Invest in Barcelona

Best Areas to Invest in Barcelona
Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia and only the second largest Spanish city after Madrid. According to various sources, more than one and a half million people live here permanently, not counting the annual flow of tourists. This is a very different and multifaceted city in which everyone-both a tourist and local resident-will find something of their own. Speaking of areas, there are ten neighbourhoods in Barcelona: Old Town(Ciutat Vella), Eixample, Les Corts, Sarria Sant Gervasi, Sants Montjuic, Gracia, Nou Barris, Horta Guinardo, Sant Andreu and Sant Marti. According to Urbane Real Estate, we want to notice the best living areas.


This is one of the largest areas of Barcelona, divided into several subdistricts. Eixample is very convenient for life; you can find everything in this area: markets and schools, shops and cafes, restaurants and gyms. At the same time, the area is simply fantastic with its beauty and rich architectural history. The price of housing in Eixample is growing exponentially depending on the location and characteristics of the apartments-owners demand astronomical sums for housing new and renovated houses.

Sants Montjuic

This is the city's most prominent area, and the vast port of Barcelona is located here. It's main dominant is Mount Montjuic, which is given its name. At the foot of the mountain is the Barrio Poble Sec, a favourable residential area in Barcelona. It is in great demand among property buyers, mainly due to its convenience and good transport accessibility.

Les Corts Area

Les Corts is an area for a pleasant and comfortable life and, at the same time, one of the critical financial districts of Barcelona. Therefore, residential buildings surrounded by green streets, gardens and squares coexist here with office buildings. Buying a property in this area of Barcelona will be a profitable investment to generate rental income. There is demand, and at the same time year-round, among tourists, football fans, and students.

Gracia Area

Gracia has an authentic atmosphere and is considered one of the most exciting areas to live in. It is not so popular among tourists but has all the necessary infrastructure and good communication with the centre. In this long-time bohemian corner, you can find modern theatres, art galleries, designer boutiques and restaurants, colourful markets, and exciting bars even though Gracia is still considered the most ¨Catalan¨ area, with its atmosphere and lack of tourist trails. Housing prices depend on the location and condition of the object but are generally considered among the lowest.  

Sant Andreu

A description of the best neighbourhoods to live in cannot be completed without mentioning Sant Andreu, a former industrial area on the northern outskirts of Barcelona. The charm of antiquity has been preserved here, and most residents are familiar with each other. This territory has a modern industrial centre infrastructure, perfectly connected with the rest of the sub-districts. Thanks to the dynamic development and renovation of the fund, the place is quickly turning into an advanced business and retail area with great potential and still low, by metropolitan standards, price. Investing in this area will be a perfect choice for families with children and lovers of silence.

Sant Marti

San Martí, once an industrial area, has become today the most fashionable place, popular with foreign professionals and creative youth.  This part deserves the name “city of contrasts” more than others: futuristic skyscrapers are adjacent to modest fishermen's houses, and luxurious hotels and apartments are being built right in the buildings of old factories.  San Marti is one of the few urban areas where large hotels and luxury residential complexes continue to have spacious, bright apartments, gyms and swimming pools.  According to experts, the cost of local real estate is above average and will continue to grow in the future.
In terms of prestige and status, the main concentration of the most luxurious objects falls in the "Upper zone" of the Catalan capital, the areas of Sarria-Sant Gervasi, Eixample and Les Corts, followed by Diagonal Mar in Sant Marti.  In the first case, as a rule, we are talking about large apartments occupying the entire floor of old rehabilitated buildings with a concierge; the second is about spacious new buildings with sea views.
Turning to the specialists of Urbane Real Estate, you will receive clear, truthful information about the selected building and its location. You will be able to make the right choice in which area of Barcelona is best to invest in.

Do not hesitate to contact us at the indicated phone number; we will help you choose your dream home.

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