Tax situation for people renting in Barcelona

Tax situation for people renting in Barcelona

Tax situation in general

Moving implies not just packing bags and thinking about furniture stores, but also making a long list of bullet points you need to think of. At the top of this list, you might place taxes which are everywhere and moving to Barcelona will not make them go away.  To make life easier for you and to allow you more time to shop for coffee tables and city walks) we have created this article. 

Moving to Barcelona 

Barcelona is certainly a welcoming and refreshing city. Here, everything is better. The weather here is sunny for 300 days a year, with warm summer days and mild winters. The Mediterranean Spanish food will be a paradise for your taste buds and Spain has many traditional dishes you can try out, from Paella Valenciana to Bacalao or cod fish dishes. Barcelona is perhaps one of the country’s most special cities, since it is not only an urban masterpiece of architecture, attractions and monuments, but also surrounded by nature. Bordered by the natural Park of Serra de Collserola and the mountain peak of Tibidabo towards the west and the sea towards the east, Barcelona is too good to be true.  On top of the natural setting surrounding the city, the great culinary life and the favourable climate, Barcelona is also a very international city where you can get in touch with many ethnicities, network and learn a lot from other cultures. Further, it is home to many top-rated universities, offering bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees and more. The city also hosts many sports centers spread evenly throughout the areas. In general, Barcelona is a place where sports enthusiasts feel at home, as the green areas and even the beach is a great setting for a workout or a run. 

How do you pay taxes in spain?

As we established, Barcelona does indeed have everything and therefore, it has taxes. As long as you live here, own assets or conduct any kind of economic activity in Spain, you, as well as all the other residents, need to pay taxes.  In order to realize the tax payment, you require an identification number, also known as NIE number if you come from a European country or a TIE number if your country of origin is non-European. The institution who collects the taxes is the Spanish Tax Agency who is also in charge of any tax related issue.

How do you know if you are a tax resident of Spain?

There are 3 requirements you need to meet to in order to be categorized as a tax resident.
  • You live in the country for more than 183 days per calendar year, from January to December. An important aspect here that needs to be kept in mind is the fact that the days do not need to be consecutive.
  • You have an economic interest in Spain whether you work for a company or are self-employed.
  • Your spouse and/or children live in Spain.
You need to meet only one of these requirements to be eligible to pay taxes in Spain. 

Tax situation for people renting out

You achieved your dream, you either live in Barcelona or own a property here and you want to rent it out. However, life in the big city is more distracting than it seems, as besides your daily job and tasks, Barcelona calls to you like a beacon, waiting to be explored.  If you are a social person, you will find yourself trying out many bars and hotspots and in terms of nightlife, the city is packed with something for everyone’s taste. During the day, there is always a new attraction or monument around the corner and the Mediterranean sun is so alluring that you will find yourself bathing in it and taking the road towards the beach more often than you think. The scent of sea and the sound of the waves will call to you like a siren, in a captivating and irresistible way.

Professional Real Estate & Property Management Services in Barcelona

With all these temptations around and all the joys waiting to be uncovered, do you see yourself filing taxes? Let us help you out, not only by offering a service at a better price than anyone else, but also by saving you one of life’s most precious resources: time. Sit back, enjoy the city, make friends, and spend time with your loved ones while we take care of everything regarding tax and income management.  You are bound to file your taxes yearly as a non-resident of Spain even if you do not rent out your apartment. We provide professional accountancy and tax return services for anyone who chooses to rent out an apartment. We gather all the data and file every quarter all the data for declared payments such as Wi-Fi, light, gas etc.  All the tax return paperwork needs to be filed with an accountant or an accountancy agency, and therefore, if you choose to take care of the taxes yourself, you might spend a bigger amount of capital on an accountant then you need to. Furthermore, for European citizens the tax percentage is 19% while for non-Europeans it goes up to 20%. In addition to taxes, our agency can also provide you with Rental management. This encompasses taking pictures of the lovely home you want to rent, handling the paperwork, checking in and out the new tenants and providing support for them and you during the rental period. Furthermore, a similar service we offer is home management which involves picking up mail, representing you at community meetings in case you are out of the country. On an ending note, nothing more certain in life than taxes and complete and utter joy in Barcelona. If you do not want stress to eclipse your Barcelonian life, then you can opt for our services and have insured the tax situation all year round. It is the best option if you want to have everything running smoothly and avoid headaches while living your best life in Barcelona.
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