Best Coworking Spaces in Barcelona

Best Coworking Spaces in Barcelona
Barcelona has witnessed tremendous coworking growth in its startup environment in the past couple of years. More and more young people are starting their ventures. Professionals from all industries gather in coworking spaces to expand their network and have a motivating work environment with like-minded people.  So if you are one of those lucky ones working online and travelling the world, Barcelona is the perfect place for you! Every year this fantastic city is attracting more and more digital nomads – people with no physical office that can work online from anywhere in the world. There are more and more solutions for those: coworking spaces. Find your home in Barcelona with Urbane, and we will help you find the best coworking space close to your house! Please take a look at Urbane's selection of the best coworking places in Barcelona and its surroundings.    Urbane's first choice is, according to us, one of the most beautiful ones in Barcelona. Montoya is located in a beautifully renovated building in Poblenou, an old factory building that is now an inspiring design workplace. Weekly events include fashion shows, music performances and a yoga class every Wednesday night. There is an art event space upstairs, and showers are also available, so you can freshen up after a morning swim at Poblenou beach, which is only a 10-minute walk away.                                


C/ d'Àvila, 32, 08005 Barcelona

  Betahaus is a chain coworking space with offices in six European cities, which gives it a strong international character and makes it suitable for larger or smaller teams from all over the world. It has a cafe and bar and five floors with fixed working places or flexible working spaces. Besides the common working spaces inside, you can also enjoy the sun and work from the spacious terrace outside.  Instead of paying for a full-time membership, you should also check out their 40-hour per month deal. It allows you to visit their open-plan workspaces and sun-drenched terraces whenever you prefer, without having to commit to a full-time membership.

address: Carrer de Villafranca 7, Barcelona

  OneCoWork has three different locations in Barcelona, but we want to point out the most unique and stunning one, namely the one on Plaça Catalunya. OneCoWork feels more like a luxury hotel than a workspace, with original artwork, soft couches, artisan coffee spots on every floor, and a gym. OneCoWork is an award-winning venue that Forbes named one of the world's most distinctive coworking spaces. OneCoWork Plaça Catalunya is housed in a fully refurbished former warehouse with 6 levels of gorgeous contemporary design and a beautiful terrace that will inspire you and your team every time you visit. A new coworking space from OneCoWork is opening soon at Avinguda del Portal de l'Àngel.

address: Gallery Building, Carrer de l'Escar 26, 08039 Barcelona 

  Urbane's last choice is Cahoot Barcelona. This newly renovated industrial coworking space is located in Sant Antoni. The new market, Placa Universitat, and the Old Town are all within walking distance. With pared-back walls and rough concrete flooring surrounding a central garden nurtured by a skylight, architect Oriol Hostench has left plenty of freedom to walk beneath the building's original vaulted ceiling. In the summer, the space may get hot and stuffy, and in the winter, it can get pretty cold, so we would recommend you to dress appropriately. You can always drop by whenever you want but the team prefers calling beforehand to provide you with the best services.

address:  Carrer de Floridablanca 92, 08015 Barcelona 

  We truly hope this post was useful for you! Find your home in Barcelona with us and we will find the best coworking solution for you near your house!  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would have any questions (+34 935 193 057)
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